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A great success for the 9th edition of the 2023 Animal Health Research Meetings


The 9th edition of the Animal Health Research Meetings took place in Marseille on 12, 13 and 15 December 2023.
Our meetings were hosted once again by BioFIT, giving 950 congressmen from 35 countries the opportunity to discover 56 innovations and participate in 3,000 face-to-face meetings.
Find our highlights:
  1. Call for proposals: this year, 15 innovative projects have been selected to compete.The partnership between SIMV and the SATT network has increased the number and quality of cases received.

The members of the SATT network, led by Nicolas LAMOUREUX, met with members of the Jury at the SIMV stand.
  1. The SIMV Conference
“Sourcing innovation from a more mature human health market to build assets and start-ups in animal health”.
As the human health market is more mature and well established, there is an opportunity to leverage these innovations to address unmet needs in the animal health sector.This session focused on the possibilities of transfers between the two areas.Several issues were discussed:

  • What factors determine the potential of human health innovations to apply to the animal health market?IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT THE CASE. 
  • How to identify the appropriate strengths and how to articulate the transfer process?IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT THE CASE. 
  • What are the key steps involved in adapting and validating human health innovations for animal health applications?IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT THE CASE. 

  • What collaboration models and partnerships facilitate the transfer and application of human health innovations to animal health?IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT THE CASE. 
  • Which actors are looking for from human to animal health?

Facilitator: Sven Arnouts, Business Development Manager, Ghent University – PROVAXS (BE)

  1. The competition for the best innovative projects in animal health (pitches)
Among the 15 applications received as part of the ReSA call for proposals, 5 project coordinators were selected to “pitch” before the Jury composed this year by Jean-Pascal Marc - Virbac, Hervé Poulet - Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health, Eduardo O.Pontes - Zoétis and Jean-Louis Hunault - SIMV.

The 2023 winner is the SATT PARIS SACLAY with the LUCKY project (FR) presented by Stéphane Gobron.
The award was presented to Nicolas Lamoureux, MedTech Manager in the SATT Network’s Industrial Partnerships Department.

The Jury also wished to award a special prize to Mathieu Dubruque's VETBIOLIX project, presented by the EURASANTE Pole of Excellence.
  1.  The SIMV stand welcomed many visitors